Advantages and disadvantages of various cpu scheduling algorithms



CPU scheduling is an essential component of operating systems, responsible for allocating the available processing resources to tasks that are ready to run. CPU scheduling algorithms determine which task should be executed next and how much processing time should be allocated to each task. There are various CPU scheduling algorithms available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Round Robin Scheduling :

Round Robin scheduling is one of the simplest and most widely used CPU scheduling algorithms. It works by dividing the CPU time into equal time slices, called quantums, and allocating each quantum to a task in a circular fashion. This means that each task is given a turn to run for a specified amount of time before the CPU switches to the next task. Round Robin scheduling provides good performance for interactive tasks, as it ensures that each task receives a fair share of the CPU time and prevents a single task from monopolizing the CPU.


  • Simple and easy to implement.
  • Provides good performance for interactive tasks.
  • Prevents a single task from monopolizing the CPU.


  • Introduces overhead and latency, as the CPU must switch between tasks frequently.
  • Not well suited for tasks that require a large amount of CPU time, as they can be slow or become blocked if they are interrupted frequently.
  • The performance of Round Robin scheduling can degrade as the number of tasks increases, as the overhead of switching between tasks becomes more significant

Priority Scheduling :

Priority scheduling is a CPU scheduling algorithm that assigns a priority value to each task, with higher priority tasks being executed before lower priority tasks. Tasks with the same priority are executed in a Round Robin fashion. Priority scheduling ensures that important tasks receive more processing time than less important tasks, providing better performance for critical tasks.


  • Provides good performance for critical tasks.
  • Allows the operating system to prioritize important tasks over less important tasks.
  • Ensures that critical tasks receive a higher priority and receive more processing time.


  • Can result in starvation, where low-priority tasks may never be executed if there are always higher-priority tasks waiting to run.
  • The assignment of priority values can be subjective and prone to errors, leading to suboptimal performance.
  • Priority inversion, where a low-priority task can block the execution of a high-priority task, can occur if tasks share resources such as locks or semaphores.

Shortest Job First (SJF) Scheduling :

Shortest Job First (SJF) scheduling is a CPU scheduling algorithm that selects the task with the shortest estimated running time to run next. SJF scheduling is based on the assumption that the task with the shortest estimated running time will complete the quickest and therefore, freeing up the CPU for other tasks. SJF scheduling provides good performance for batch processing systems, where tasks are independent and have well-defined execution times.


  • Provides good performance for batch processing systems, as tasks are executed quickly and the CPU is freed up for other tasks.
  • Minimizes the average waiting time for tasks, as the CPU is used efficiently and tasks are executed as soon as they become ready.


  • The estimation of task execution times can be difficult, and incorrect estimates can result in suboptimal performance.
  • Not well suited for interactive or real-time systems, as the estimation of task execution times may not accurately reflect the actual running time.
  • The performance of SJF scheduling can degrade as the number of tasks increases, as the overhead of estimating task execution times becomes more significant.

Multilevel Queue Scheduling :

Multilevel Queue scheduling is a CPU scheduling algorithm that separates tasks into different priority levels and assigns each priority level to a separate queue. The operating system uses different scheduling algorithms for each queue, allowing it to prioritize important tasks and provide better performance for critical tasks. For example, a higher priority queue might use a Round Robin scheduling algorithm, while a lower priority queue might use a First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) scheduling algorithm.


  • Allows the operating system to prioritize important tasks and provide better performance for critical tasks.
  • Supports different scheduling algorithms for different priority levels, providing more flexible and efficient use of system resources.
  • Avoids starvation and ensures that all tasks receive a fair share of the CPU time.


  • Can be complex to implement and maintain, as different scheduling algorithms must be implemented and maintained for each priority level.
  • The assignment of priority levels can be subjective and prone to errors, leading to suboptimal performance.
  • The performance of Multilevel Queue scheduling can degrade as the number of priority levels and tasks increases, as the overhead of managing multiple queues becomes more significant.

Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling :

Multilevel Feedback Queue scheduling is a CPU scheduling algorithm that builds on the concept of Multilevel Queue scheduling by allowing tasks to move between priority levels based on their behavior. Tasks that use a large amount of CPU time are moved to lower priority levels, while tasks that wait for I/O or other resources are moved to higher priority levels. This allows the operating system to dynamically adjust the priority of tasks based on their behavior, providing better performance and more efficient use of system resources.


  • Dynamically adjusts task priority based on their behavior, providing better performance and more efficient use of system resources.
  • Avoids starvation and ensures that all tasks receive a fair share of the CPU time
  • Supports different scheduling algorithms for different priority levels, providing more flexible and efficient use of system resources.


  • Can be complex to implement and maintain, as the operating system must dynamically adjust task priority levels and manage multiple queues
  • The assignment of priority levels can be subjective and prone to errors, leading to suboptimal performance.
  • The performance of Multilevel Feedback Queue scheduling can degrade as the number of priority levels and tasks increases, as the overhead of managing multiple queues and adjusting task priority becomes more significant.

In conclusion, different CPU scheduling algorithms have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of scheduling algorithm depends on the specific requirements of the operating system and the types of tasks it will be executing. Round Robin scheduling is simple and provides good performance for interactive tasks, while Priority scheduling ensures that important tasks receive more processing time. SJF scheduling provides good performance for batch processing systems, while Multilevel Queue and Multilevel Feedback Queue scheduling provide more flexible and efficient use of system resources. It is important for operating system designers to carefully consider the trade-offs involved in choosing a CPU scheduling algorithm and to choose the one that provides the best balance of performance, flexibility, and efficiency for their specific requirements.

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